Interior Design Services
The design process can be overwhelming and stressful! No matter the size of your project, I'm here to guide you through the process with confidence. From selecting architectural details and finishes, to designing a functional, beautiful space with furniture, fabrics + decor, I'm here to be a part of bringing your dream space(s) to life!




Full-Service Interior Design
For those seeking to have everything taken care of from start to finish- geared towards transforming a space in its entirety. From space planning and concepts to final installation, I'm with you every step of the way managing every detail of your project working alongside your contractor and architect to see our vision through to completion. Whether a new build, renovation, or full cosmetic update, I offer hands on involvement to help guide you through each design phase and bring your dream home to life.
The Process
Initial Meeting + Scope of Work Developed
I start off by getting to know you + your project with an initial consultation, site visit / construction document review. From here, we work together to determine your needs and develop a detailed scope of work for the project.
Design Vision + Project Set Up
This step of the project is critial in helping to guide us through the rest of the project. In this phase, we discuss your ideas and vision for the spaces. We'll meet to review concepts, design direction, floor plan options, and overall aesthetics.
Design Development, Selections + Ordering
This is where all of the fun happens and bulk of the work takes place. In this phase, I'll work to bring our visions to life by sourcing all selections; plumbing, lighting, finish materials, etc. Interior elevations + drawings are completed as well as your specifications book. We'll have several design meetings over the course of this phase and once your approval is given- orders get placed and our construction document package gets handed off to your contractor. Yay!
Construction Project Management + Furniture
With frequent jobsite visits and communication, I work closely with your contractor and vendors to ensure all parts of the design are executed as expected. During this phase, I'm also in the process of working on all of your furniture selections. Just like in the previous phase, we'll meet for design meetings to review all selections, fabric + rug samples and accessories. I'll place all orders, handle the tracking and receiving to ensure everything is ready for installation day.
Execution + Installation
Finally, what you've been waiting for! In the final phase of the project, all of the planning, hard work and vision comes to life! Once construction is complete and all of the furniture and accessories have arrived, install day happens. Your furniture + rugs get placed, beds made, draperies installed, and finishing off the space with perfectly placed styling pieces and decor. You'll be welcomed into a space you're proud to call home!
Furnishings + Installation
Intended for those who are struggling to put the finishing touches on your space or need help with designing a layout and sourcing furnishing + decor. I'll work to develop a scope of work and discuss your needs for the space. I'll then provide detailed room boards with selections and information where we can meet to review any samples- fabrics, rugs, window treatments, etc. Once designs are approved, I take care of the rest- sourcing, purchasing, tracking + installation. Shifting furniture around, placing rugs, assisting with artwork installation and finishing off the space with specific styling spaces carefully selected for your space. You'll be left with a thoughtfully curated space you're happy to call home!
Construction Document Review
When you aren’t working with a full design team; architect, designer, builder- then more times than not so many small details are missed. Ones that can be easily avoided straight from the start. With this service I intend to help clients with their existing floor plans and spatial concerns to help avoid regrets, unwanted surprises and costly mistakes. I'll help to identify problematic areas and help to provide solutions while you are still in the early stages of your construction process that better suits your daily life and family's needs.
This service is perfect for someone who wants a designer's input straight from the start but doesn't necessarily have the budget or a need for my full involvement throughout the whole building process. The main focus of the session may be on the floor plan and spatial concerns, but can also include discussion about finish materials, transitions choices, lighting locations, ceiling details, furniture layout options or anything in between. You'll leave with everything you need from our meeting so you can implement the changes and ideas on your own.
Virtual Interior Design
A remote option to work one-on-one with a designer to tackle any project at your own speed. This is an ideal option to save on designer fees and allows you to execute the design at your own pace. I'll work with you to create a customized design plan tailored to your project's needs. With my efficient process, you'll receive design boards with selections, a CAD floor plan to communicate layout options and all of the information and specifications for ordering everything you need.